Canadian tool-smith Norman Lee produces these (and a variety of other prototype and production pieces in Ti and G10) in his garage workshop, and keeps a blog of his toolings. I was so taken by it, that I happened to lean over one eve and point it out to my partner Omega, who's eyes lit up and was giggling as maniacally as I was. I filed that response away, and placed an order. These keychain impact-tools are cut and tumble finished from titanium , and have the option of a heat-treatment bluing, but I opted for natural, as omega is more of a red, than blue, gal. The cuts around the outer surface of the disk, and finger-holes are smooth and feel very nice in the hand. The lanyard/split-ring/bead-chain hole is nicely placed to attach this tool to make a very effective key-fob. Being titanium the weight is very manageable. The teeth notches are a little jagged and slightly irregular, which adds to their charm, without affecting the sleek outer finish overly.All the cuts are angles "inwards" to give a plug-like effect that is visible, but not overly noticeable in-hand.

When this one arrived this week , I was overjoyed that it had made it though customs, and I could give it as a birthday present (almost) on time! As you can see, it fits the hand very nicely, and the eye/finger holes means you never need to worry about losing your grip on your keys in the event you are startled by an aggressive space-alien, Mad Max marauder or creepy sparkling vampire stalker. The idea you could "leave an impression" of that gleaming titanium smile with your surprise visitor, allowing you to strike them senseless with your keen Gothic aesthetic appreciation of both skulls and space-age materials, whilst not interfering with your nails, jewellery or knuckles appealed to me.
Be sure of the legality of such an item in your area before carrying and utilizing in moments of surprise! Otherwise, what a lovely and cute skull-face keychain fob!
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