Held in a sliding plastic case 8cm x4cm x1.5cm, it contains a number of very cool SERE elements in a very compact package. The tools include:
- A folding razor / saw, with inch and mm rulers provides a safety knife and a sturdy saw.
- A diamond encrusted wire saw/file, great for cutting through chains, filing rough edges
- Handcuff Shim, the flexible, rounded key for opening cuffs (in the case of unlawful restraint)
- Quick Stick, the stiff pointed metal key for popping many padlocks open by bypassing the pins, and reaching lock shackle itself.
- two coin/button sided, polymer Universal Handcuff Keys, (again, for escape from unlawful restraint, with double-locking pin)
- A ceramic razor blade, because having a small, non-magnetic blade in your SERE kit can have all kinds of uses, and remember, if they can't find it, they can't take it ...
- 1.8m (6') of 85kg (188 lbs) test yellow Kevlar cordage, for both friction sawing, but also a variety of other purposes, you can only boggle at.
- 1.8m (6') Stainless-Steel Coated Leader Wire which gives you an even stronger line than the Kevlar cord, but its specific properties can also lend itself to a whole other raft of uses.
- Lastly the very cute, Grade AA button compass, what's not to like with having a compass in your EDC? Nothing at all.