The Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard released this message today.....
Apparently there were suggestions that the usual predictions of the "End of the World" as indicated by the end of the Mayan Long Count on December 21, 2012, was incorrect, due to Julian/Gregorian calendar miscalculations, and it was in fact, due on the 7th of December, 2012.
Woops, that's what you get for leaving your prep till the last minute, folks!

I for one, got home and consulted MY Mayan calendar, and came to the conclusion that either way, I agree with Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson in that I don't think that a culture that didn't predict the arrival of the Spanish, can predict the end of the entire world, either.
I may, or may not take my Aannihilator Superhammer to work tomorrow, just in case ....
and i was so hoping to hit 200 posts and 60k views before the end ....
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