Hi readers,
Apologies for lack of content over this last little while. A big project of mine is going through another phase of approvals, so I have been busy fact-finding and writing documents.
More gear, tools and reviews soon, I hope!
Unless there is a global EMP, in which case you won't be reading them online...
A place for me to review the various rugged, nifty and needful kit that I've accumulated, for every-day preparedness in the event of accident, disaster or world-shifting end-times Apocalypse, be it zombies, triffids or Mayan divide-by-zero errors.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Review: Under Armor shirts

One caveat to this is a message that UA themselves put out there: "WARNING! This product will melt when exposed to extreme heat or open flames, posing a risk of serious injury where melted product comes into contact with skin!"
So, not to wear fire-twirling, volcano spelunking or dragon slaying; CHECK.
Friday, April 20, 2012
100th Post: Questions and Answers

Thanks for reading, and hopefully, thanks for continuing along thus far.
I'd like a moment to re-welcome you to Apocalypse Equipped, which I've been writing since the beginning of December 2011.
This is a place for me to write about one of my passions: acquiring, using and carrying hardy and rugged gear that I feel will keep me prepared for disaster, if and when it strikes. It's a testbed, a review of my collection and a lifestyle both talking about, and thinking about preparedness.
It's place for me to review the various rugged, nifty and needful kit that I've accumulated, for every-day preparedness in the event of accident, disaster or world-shifting end-times Apocalypse, be it zombies, triffids or Mayan divide-by-zero errors.
I've been thrilled to get some great comments along the way, people either pointing out alternatives, calling me on lapses of logic or using this as a guide for their own choices. Brilliant! Likewise, I've been astonished by the amount of traffic I've gotten; I repost to Twitter, Google+ and Facebook (please feel free to add me on any, if you haven't already) and feel very grateful for the reposts that either my readers have given, or that my review-ies have given me. Thanks one and all!
So, now over to you, faithful readers ....
Is there something else you'd like to see me review? Gear, goodies, tech and toys? More of my semi-ranting "Home Front" posts? More "Wish-Lusts"? Or even another video-review? Is there something I'm missing?
I'm taking requests, lay it on me, and I'll see what I can manage.
So, thanks for the presence thus far, and I hope you'll continue reading!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Review: Sea To Summit - Ultra-Sil Duffle

That said, for what it is; a lightweight, carry-compact yet spacious sack, I am very impressed and grateful that it was gifted to me.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Review: United Cutlery Trophy Master - Sidekick Tanto

The overall cross-section is quite stocky, which does interfere with thin-slices, but offers a very sturdy and stiff cutting edge on the other hand. The false edge of the spine meets the tip very neatly, and allows for a very sharp point to be achieved. Similarly, the straight edge of both the "tanto" tip and the main edge of the knife make for easy sharpening, but i have found that the thickness of the blade overall does not lend itself to keeping a finely honed edge.
That said, this is a dependable blade, that doesn't slip from your fingers when they are covered in goo and gore, is small enough to be manageable in confined quarters and has a beautiful aesthetic to it. It's a solid little knife, and whilst it isn't my first "go-to" blade, it does sit on my bedside table, just in case.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Review: Nukotool TiGBi Skull keyring

Canadian tool-smith Norman Lee produces these (and a variety of other prototype and production pieces in Ti and G10) in his garage workshop, and keeps a blog of his toolings. I was so taken by it, that I happened to lean over one eve and point it out to my partner Omega, who's eyes lit up and was giggling as maniacally as I was. I filed that response away, and placed an order. These keychain impact-tools are cut and tumble finished from titanium , and have the option of a heat-treatment bluing, but I opted for natural, as omega is more of a red, than blue, gal. The cuts around the outer surface of the disk, and finger-holes are smooth and feel very nice in the hand. The lanyard/split-ring/bead-chain hole is nicely placed to attach this tool to make a very effective key-fob. Being titanium the weight is very manageable. The teeth notches are a little jagged and slightly irregular, which adds to their charm, without affecting the sleek outer finish overly.All the cuts are angles "inwards" to give a plug-like effect that is visible, but not overly noticeable in-hand.

When this one arrived this week , I was overjoyed that it had made it though customs, and I could give it as a birthday present (almost) on time! As you can see, it fits the hand very nicely, and the eye/finger holes means you never need to worry about losing your grip on your keys in the event you are startled by an aggressive space-alien, Mad Max marauder or creepy sparkling vampire stalker. The idea you could "leave an impression" of that gleaming titanium smile with your surprise visitor, allowing you to strike them senseless with your keen Gothic aesthetic appreciation of both skulls and space-age materials, whilst not interfering with your nails, jewellery or knuckles appealed to me.
Be sure of the legality of such an item in your area before carrying and utilizing in moments of surprise! Otherwise, what a lovely and cute skull-face keychain fob!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Review: Sardine Can survival kit

This is a nice little kit and it has remained as part of my EDC thus far without any incident. In fact, I am pretty sure I traveled to New Zealand with it in my bag, without incident. I know I have removed it before, so as not to be hassled by Airport Security as counter intuitive as leaving your survival kit at home when taking an overseas and over-mountain flight ... but that's the crazy world we live in.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Review: Jackeroo Shirt

As you can see, it got fairly cruddy, but after a couple of washes, it was as good as new. Or at least, as good as "before Tough Mudder". If K-Mart still stocks these, I'd be strongly considering picking a couple more up, in long-sleeve, to add to my adventure-wear.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Review: EDC

So, this is what lives in my Crumpler messenger bag, which I carry with me everywhere I go. I've had some discussion with my partner Omega, that perhaps I carry either too much stuff, duplicates, or items that could be replaced with lighter kit. I really value both her support and helpful opinions. She was dead on, my bag is weighty.
So, here is a recap of what I carry;
Crumpler Thirsty Al pouch filled with paracord, on the outside strap.
Platatac FUP pouch carrying my 1L SIGG bottle
inside the bag I carry:
Electrical tape
Toothbrush and Toothpaste
Sewing kit
Cable Ties
Pad (great for injuries)
Spare glasses in case with HDD magnet
Waterproof pouch with q-tips
microfiber towel
specimen jar with hand-wash
collapsible cup
Set of Allan keys
Tape measure
my lunch and an apple.
On top of that, I also pack my kendo gear, and a variety of other things, depending on the day, but this is my EDC.
Sea to Summit,
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Review: Contour GPS
For those people (myself now included) there are the helmet-cams! These little, robust cameras are designed to be strapped to ones person, their kit, or whatever, and give you an "I was there view " of the action they put themselves in the way of. Here is my review of the one I recently purchased and put through its paces. This is the Contour GPS. This little nugget of technology houses a 135o lens, and will capture video at 720p at 60 frames per second or 1080p at 30 frames per second. It will also take continuous stills and has some smarts to auto-adjust for lighting conditions. It features built in GPS and has a Bluetooth option. The Bluetooth option allows you to configure the cameras settings, and check the alignment with your iThingy acting as a viewfinder.
The case is marketed as water-resistant but it is NOT sealed, the end cap is plastic, which slides and locks into place but it by no means watertight, or even dust-proof. That's not to say it doesn't fare any worse than other camera battery-covers, but not what i'd hoped for in an otherwise rugged camera. So, i also bought the waterproof case. which is rated for dives up to 60m deep. It latches down at the front, and has a magnetic induction slide-switch to operate the camera (only works to turn it ON, with mine though however ... very disappointing bug). The back-cap is the Achilles-heel of this device.
Both the waterproof case and the main camera share a rail-attachment system, that allows for a number of kinds of mounts to be fitted. The camera comes with an adjustable goggle-strap mount, and two adhesive "flat-surface" mounts. that slide and lock into place along either side of the camera. I've mounted this to the side of my kendo men helmet, to the shoulder of my Platatac Bravo hydration pack and so far have managed to only get a few "straight" shots. Learning is part of the fun. What ISN'T fun, is the difficulty I've had getting the camera to actually film when I want it to. There are four sets of indicator LED's on the main body; a battery indicator, a memory indicator, a "status" indicator and one for "recording". Between these, and the press-button power button, and "slide-to-record" switch, you'd think someone tech-savy would have a breeze getting it going. Not so much. The combination of "press-and-hold" and "secret extra un-labled button" make for a clumsy system that requires getting used to before you capture that big exciting event. Like several hours of laser-tag, (which I missed the exciting parts of) or some good kendo footage (also didn't record when i thought it was...)
I did however get several hours worth of Tough Mudder footage, which although askew by about 30o due to how I mounted the camera, and required a battery change "in the field" to get a total of 5 hours of the 5 1/2 hours I was doing the challenge, and am really impressed with how both the camera and waterproof case held up.
So, clumsy user-controls, and non-water proof body aside, this is a fun toy, and I plan to film a lot of things with it.
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