The problem however, is how to stow it, and have it ready. Previously I have bundled up my lengths in hojojuitsu style, in neither hayanawa or “fast rope”, or torinawa ("capture-rope") type bundles. These are self-contained and feeding bundles, but are only practical for kind of short lengths, 8m being the typical length I use, but for longer, more utilitarian lengths, some other method is needed. Paracord often comes in 100' lengths and even that is a lot of cord to hump around.
However, my fellow blogger, and knot-maker of high repute, Stormdrane worked with CountyComm to come up with this, a highly functional spool, on a carabiner, in the form of their Drop-Line RLD. This is purported to hold 50' of paracord, or 100' of of 3/32 Tether cord (which is a thinner, "dummy-cord", not unlike the Australian "hootchie cord" for doing tie-downs of gear and as guy-ropes.)

You can see I started off with the best of intentions in looping my 50' of cord, feeding smoothly and tightly from side to side until I reached the rim of the spool, with about 6' or cord left to go. I could have trimmed this off, but i wanted to see just how much I could fit whilst still being able to open and fit the carabiner. In the end, with a messy attempt at the zig-zag spooling, I managed to get all 50' onto the spool, AND was just able to open the gate wide enough to feed it onto PALS/MOLLE webbing, as seen here, nestled between my Half Med Kit and the FUP I use as a bottle holder on my pack.
I've wanted to get one of these for a while, mostly because of their simple utility, and elegant solution to a common problem, and now that I have one, I want more... Perhaps I can give that zig-zag another go ...