The SIP (Specialist Insertion Platform) is a light weight, low profile chest rig designed to fit under or with insertion equipment, be it under a reserve parachute, swimmer scout valise or worn as a standalone rig for TAG drivers or reconnaissance teams.

Through some clever design, you have complete side release at the waist in one buckle for fast transition between the SIP to an Assault rig worn underneath, or just to strip it away entirely as needed. Additional buckles at the collarbone and for the kidney stability strap give you options for adjustments and adds to the don and doff design.

SIP is faced with three rows of four channel PALS/MOLLE, with a single
horizontal column of three loos, giving you a single column of sideways
attachment. Perfect for a cyclume stick, or a single stack pouch.
the top of the vertical PALS/MOLLE , a sleeve pocket, fixed with
hook-and-loop closure allows access to a small area, big enough to fit
a HAPO NAV BOARD or even a compact pistol holster, I have fitted mine with a
map and compass, ID and the like. The inside of this sleeve is also
lined with a strip of loop-file, to ensure that whatever you can fix,
is fixed, especially important for holsters, obviously. I would have
liked to see a cord-loop in there, for dummy-cording, as I have in my
Hill People Gear Runners Rig but I could always add this myself.

bottom of the SIP also features a standard hook-and-loop sandwich,
which hinges up between the second and third rows for attaching dump
pouches, the SORD StormTrooper or other pouches with sandwich fittings,
such as the Platatac gasmask pouch.
The shoulder straps can be configured in both X or H style with removable cross bar to give you adjustment and wearing options.
Elastic cable retention on the shoulder straps offers even more
stability, giving you a very stable, snug and secure platform to run
those few needful items that you've loaded it with. I've done a couple
of cross country jaunts with it, along with the StormTrooper, and a dump
pouch, and had no troubles with it either chafing or bouncing. I was
happy with the fit and the quick release, when it came time to dump it.
The shoulder straps can be configured in both X or H style with removable cross bar to give you adjustment and wearing options.

The MultiCam is spot on, (unlike that used in the Headsox I'm wearing here) and the fit to purpose is great. It is usually less carriage than I would want, but for those times where I want to run light, it's superb.