This is the kind of prepping anyone can do and its as simple as picking up a few extra items each time you go shopping. Long lasting staples. I chose things I like to eat, and things I will take camping. I didn't pre-stockpile toilet paper which was the panic-buy item of choice reported and experienced, but some judicial and crafty shopping saw us stocked without issue. Something to note for next time.

Red Feather Butter cans: Providing energy rich fats and good taste, for frying, baking, spreading on bread.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bully_beef , this mechanically reclaimed potted meat and rendered lard in a can. Bully Beef. Not a very exciting food, nor especially sophisticated but it is meat, long lasting, ready to eat and can be added to many other foods. 'Pocalypse Stew as well as the traditional 'shit on a shingle". (served on toast like pate) It kind of looks like pet food.

MRE's: from a variety of sources. Pre-packaged military style meals ready to eat. not fancy but very carefully put together and long lasting.

Sauces/Soup Mix: I keep the excess sauce packets from fasts food meals and also the soup sachets from ramen packets to act as soup stock and seasoning for other meals, especially the otherwise bland Spam, beans and corned beef. What otherwise might have been throw away I've kept and stored to supplement my meal stores.
Mac and Cheese kits: x4 boxes 380g "serves 3. contains pasta packet and canned cheese for use as a sauce. Requires only water to cook. The canned cheese can be eaten separately or combined with other supplies.
Pasta sauce, Jars of tomato paste with flavorsome herbs, good for making stews, pasta and adding flavor and nutrition to any meal.
In addition to these specific canned good stores i've stockpiled, I have routinely built up supplies, preserved foods like jams and jerky. Dry-goods like rice, beans, flour and sugar i've kept well stocked and stored in DPJ's along with fruit preserves and even some pickled eggs.