Build from carbon fibre bonded with inconel this bad boy can withstand over 16kn of force, 2000 Degrees Celsius, 10 sticks of TNT and pretty much anything a triple figure digger can throw at it.
The recently declassified Assaulters Milk Crate is a team essential item. With multiple lashing points for the Tuff Tactical Quick Release
Tactical Tie Off Point (TTQRTTOP) and light weight modularity the Assaulters Milk Crate is a must for all DA's.

Available in 3 colours. (Blackout 1000x, Tactical Tan, Killer Wolf Grey)
Weighs just 6 grams.
RRP $499.00
Available for preorder 1st April 2016"

I've noted on the forums there may well also be a Blue Force Gear force-on-force trainer in the works as well, but reports also suggest that Multicam just wont stick to the frame. It's too high-speed.
Presumably you can add other modular features, but that may well come with package inserts

These are some serious pieces of kit, with numerous uses around the bunker, in the field, and for all kinds of bug-out or bug-in use. They're so tough you could even transport perishable items like milk in them!
I'm hanging out for a possible titanium version, but I'm always a sucker for over-engineering.