Disgruntled Decks is a card game for military service members and grizzled Veterans who enjoy getting together and laughing about their time in the service. Disgruntled Decks can be played by itself or integrated with a Cards Against Humanity deck.
The creators titled this first deck "The Army Edition" because it features some topics that would be familiar to U.S. Army Soldiers and Veterans. However, there are more than enough general military cards to make the game enjoyable for service members and Veterans from any branch of the armed forces.
The game works just like the now very popular Cards Against Humanity game.
The "Card Commander" will read aloud an OD green Mission Card and "Subordinate" players will submit their grey Course of Action (COA) cards with possible answers.
The Card Commander chooses the best COA regardless of the Subordinates' opinions, just like in the military! You win by having the most COAs chosen. It's that simple!
The deck is composed of 90 OD green Mission Cards and 310 grey Course of Action cards. For those with poor ASVAB scores, that equals 400 cards!
Here's a fun fact about the card design:

Another really nice thing about this project is in the backer levels, you can opt to get a set for yourself, and have another gifted to a wounded veteran, bringing some much needed dark joy to someone who could probably do with some.
Disgruntled Decks is shipping to selected non US locations, so I jumped on it, but if you don't need outside of US shipping, and are keen on adding another similar project, you could also look into War Games LLC's FUBAR, another salty and dark, military themed game, which is also cross compatible with Cards Against humanity.
Or get both, get extra fun-times for your stretch in the bunker!
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